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Haberdashers' Hatcham Primary School

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Rahul Gokhale Chair
Alice Chen Co-opted Governor
Michael Tirrell Co-opted Governor
Ediz Suleyman Co-opted Governor
Father Grant Bolton-Debbage Co-opted Governor
Gareth Thomas Co-opted Governor
Imogen Vining Co-opted Governor
Natasha Isaac Co-opted Governor
Janine La Rosa Elected Parent Governor
Valerie Ademisoye Elected Parent Governor

The purpose of the Committee is to ensure the school improvement cycle is correctly monitored and evaluated and to provide challenge and support to the Principal and her leadership team. The agenda, approved minutes and documents considered at each meeting can be made available to members of the public upon request. 

Rahul Gokhale, Chair of Hatcham Primary Local Governing Body, can be contacted via the Clerk to the Governors:

Tess Lundy, Local Clerk

Postal address:

The Clerk to the Governors,
Haberdashers' Academies Trust South
Pepys Road,
SE14 5SF

For further information on Governance within the Federation please select from the links below: